Still the best choir in town – in my head and heart
Elin Angerman, audience

Bergen Cathedral Choir are satisfied with the good collaboration with Ole Bull Chamber Choir in the co-production with BFO (Bergen Filharmonic Orchestra). Parts of the choral repertoire demands a larger choir, and I very much like the idea of joining two choirs from Bergen that sound so well together.
Kjetil Almenning, Bergen Cathedral Cantor

– so newly formed but so accomplished already – for your immensely expressive, generous singing in both intimate & extrovert pieces that was both moving & breathtaking to listen to. You exhibited such control, clarity of sound, & memory skills. ‘Virgencita’ was astonishing; it had exactly the sense of calm, stillness, intense moments of silence & the bell-like quality that is the essence of Arvo Part’s later works. ‘Leonardo’ was exciting & uplifting; ‘Peccavi super numerum’ full of variety of interpretation & good ensemble. Your Grieg was exquisite.
Ghislaine Morgan, singing teacher and choir coach

I hope you win…
Arvo Pärt, composer
(on rehearsal before the finals of the London International Choral Competition; We achieved second place/Runner Up in the finals.)

I heard and saw OBK at the Rafto award ceremony yesterday. It was magic!
Gro Rakner Meinelly, choral conductor

Thank you for the beautiful silence in the Pärt.
Lorenzo Donati, head of the choral competition og Guido d’Arezzo, Italy

Your performance was sleek and extraordinarily well-prepared; the sound across the ensemble was at all times warm and full, showing excellent vocal, ensemble (and conducting!) technique. I could go on but really, from start to finish it was a pleasure to listen to you sing and I feel that all chamber choirs (especially in the UK) could learn a lot from hearing you.
Victoria Ely, choral conductor

You were AWESOME!
Sven Åge Birkeland
, artistic and managing director at BIT Teatergarasjen
(about the singing of Ole Bull Chamber Choir in the show Oslo by Mette Edvardsen)

You have something quite extraordinary …
Sofi Jeannin, jury member of the choral competition of Gudio d’Arezzo, Italy

Getting ready for concert in front of Knarvik church. Photo: Heidi J. Mongstad.
Getting ready for concert in front of Knarvik church. Photo: Heidi J. Mongstad.
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Ole Bull Kammerkor is supported by the Grieg Foundation